Friday, January 7, 2011

First Post

Hello Everyone!
This is a big step for me, but needed to get myself out there. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but what pushed me over the edge was my recent trip to the Antarctic. It was fantastic, I'm hoping to cover that with the first number of posts here. If it reads like a love letter to GAP Adventures and the staff of the Expedition boat, it'll be a testament to how awesome that trip was.

The title says what I'm hoping to accomplish with this blog: A vehicle to convey my interests and what I'm doing about them to anyone willing to listen and read about it.

Past the Antarctic trip and other travels I have done and am going to do. My travels to date have generally carried fairly large lessons that have no easy solutions. I'm also very much into gardening, craft beer, and cooking. The pills part comes from my being a pharmacy student and my hopes to be able to be a pharmacist one day.

Well, that about sums it up! Let's see how much content I can get up between fits of studying for exams :)