The little fella's doing well, much better than could be expected of a 31 week preemie (now 35 I think). He's out of the incubator and into a cot, and splitting his feeds between the NG tube and breastfeeding. The parents on the other hand are really starting to show the wear. Mom's holding up fairly well given that she has to pump every 3 hours (except the night where she has a slightly longer interval), and has to spend 9-12 hour shifts at the hospital NICU now to get the little guy used to breast feeding. She's broken down once or twice recently about wanting to get out of the NICU. Don't let anyone tell you this NICU stuff is easy (it's not)! The line between functioning and not functioning is very thin, and I hate to say that we're both pretty close to it.
I finally crashed yesterday. Got home from the hospital yesterday with the worst headache in recent memory and slept over 12 hours. For the most part it's gone but I can still feel it in the background, it won't take much to bring it back I fear.
Can't wait to bring him home, but only when he's ready.