Saturday, June 16, 2012

A friend of mine is having trouble with small bugs in her garden eating everything. I have tried a few things in the past... What type of bugs you have going on affects what you want to use if you have similar problems.

If you have a spray bottle you may want to try using diluted dish soap and/or hot sauce in water and see if it helps. I found that it helped keep the patio aphids in control even if it didn`t get rid of them completely.

Another something that I found useful was leaving out a small container of cider vinegar, they seemed to be attracted to that. Cover it with saran wrap securely taped down and sealed and poke a few holes in it. They`ll find their way in and not out. It was useful inside the apartment with fruit flies, not sure how useful it`ll be outside.

I`ve also seen in the Galapagos, buckets left out with dish soap in it. They used it to help control the insect population on some islands. You may want to give that a go as well since it doesn`t cost anything, really.

My garden`s doing pretty good at the moment. Potatoes are just starting to sprout and the newly placed fence is keeping my furry nemesis out of reach. I may even try planting lettuce outside again (patio lettuce is doing spectacular)

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