Thursday, November 8, 2012

Freedom... Horrible Freedom

Two events that I can update on:
1. We're now the proud owners of some sort of new furnace. While I was studying for the exams that I just finished writing today, the wife went and dropped $5000 on a new furnace. I'm not disputing that we needed it, I'm just hoping we didn't get taken for a ride while I wasn't looking.

2. The aforementioned exams being done! I've spent almost the entirety of my spare time with a few precious exceptions for the past two months on studying for this exam. It's the pharmacy qualifying exam for Canada, meaning if I pass it, along with the rest of what I've done to date, I can finally be a practicing pharmacist. There are two parts to it: One is a live action portion where you interact with actors and pharmacists watch and assess how you react to various situations. These different scenarios are broken up with what is the absolute worst buzzer in the entire world. I literally jumped and screamed when it went off more than once. Picture it: You're stressed out standing in a number of different hallways trying to gear your mind up to whatever might be behind that door then a loud noise reminiscent of a fire alarm goes off right over your head. Repeatedly. I do not recommend the experience for people with heart problems. The other part is a written exam. We're essentially sworn to secrecy as to the contents of both exams.

Long story short, I had to do the written exam again as the first time I wrote it I had quite a bit of things going on personally that took away from the time that I needed to prepare. This time I made sure I had adequate time and space to get things ready so that I could give the exam the respect it deserved. Both my employment and my wife were accommodating for my study requirements and hopefully if this all works out well I'll be able to pay both back for their kindness. I've spent so long studying for this thing though, that now that I'm done with it I really don't know what to do with myself. Getting on top of the house situation is going to take some time, and I do a really good job of second guessing how I've done. I just hope that I don't have to do this again; I won't know the answer to that question though for another month and a bit yet. Argh

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