Hello again! First day I've had off since returning from the trip up North for Christmas with the family. A great time had by all, and it always feels too short.
This here, this is something that I absolutely had to have for my garden this year. We just moved into our house not that long ago so there's still a few kinks to work out. One of these is that the backyard (especially the part I want to put my garden in) has quite a few cats wandering around through it. I don't want to grow my food in cat poop, there's very good hygienic reasons for it. I'm sure a good chunk of them are neighbours' "outdoors cats" so live traps or anything that would hurt them is out of the question. I have thought of trapping them and relocating them to Scarborough but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be legal. Regardless I spent a bit of time doing research and settled on this option and laid it pretty thick on to my wife - so guess what showed up for Christmas!
It's close to $60 so it had better work. Essentially it has a heat sensor, an ultrasonic emitter and a 9 volt battery. If a critter comes too close it sends a sound out that's supposed to scare them off. Haven't tried it yet due to the snow and work... but when I saw this online I just had visions of me standing by the window drinking coffee cackling madly while watching these cats approach and then run in terror.
Will post on how it works later on!