Saturday, December 8, 2012

Howe Sound Brewing - Pothole Filler Imperial Stout

The Howe Sound Pothole Filler. The name's pretty good, since it describes what the beer is going to be like when it's poured out - thick and black. Like the Pumpkin Eater, it is respectable for what it is - in this case an imperial stout. The smells are of roasted malt and chocolate... the taste has a bit of smokiness to it but also has some molasses and coffee to it. It's not as refined as something along the lines of the Peche Mortel where you would have it and not really notice the alcohol in it. That's something that both this one and the Pumpkin Eater share - you know you're drinking a 9% beer and can taste the alcohol as a sort of booziness. Not at all unexpected.

Don't get me wrong, it's good stuff, just not going to blow your doors off. It should be given the commitment one makes to a 1L bottle. I'm just feeling that it would have been better around 7 or 8% rather than 9. The Wellington Russian Imperial Stout is a good example of what I'm thinking of. Since I like the 1L swingtop bottles for homebrewing so I may pick another one up just to give it a second try... but for the time being I feel there's better options out there like the Welly I mentioned before.

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