Monday, November 18, 2013


Wow. It's been a bit over two months since my son arrived and around a month since he came home. The amount of work required to keep things together for a small one like that (never mind the NICU stuff beforehand - he was two months premature) is stunning. I am so grateful for my parents coming down to help out with baby and house care until we got our footing again. Now he's 7 lbs, 2 ounces and terribly cute. One thing that really caught me off guard was the amount of noise he makes - he spends a lot of time during the night just clucking away. While it's hard to sleep through apparently it's completely normal. Also, he's got an umbilical hernia - the muscles around the umbilical cord area haven't sealed off yet. Apparently they don't do anything about that either for the first 4 years (until school age) partly because most seal up in the first year and the alternative is surgery. Our pediatrician related a story where she saw one that was 6 cm long and the surgeons still didn't want to touch it since the child was so young.

Anyways, I'm just grateful that everything seems to be going well. Thanks to whoever is responsible for that!

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